
総合学科とは  What is the "So-go gakka"(comprehensive high school)

             "Find your possibility and your dream come true" at Shigaraki high school


ユニークな3つの系列「セラミック系列」「デザイン系列」「普通系列」                          Our three unique coursees "Ceramic Art course","Design course","Academic course"
信楽高校の総合学科は「セラミック系列」「デザイン系列」「普通系列」の3つの系列を用意し、みなさん一人ひとりの夢の実現をサポートしていきます。                                                                      We prepare three courses, "Ceramic Art course","Design course", and"Academic course", so that students can acquire comprehensive skills through learning in a wide range of fields. Students can choose their own classes according to their interests and career path. We will support the realization of each student's dream. This is the meaning of "so-go gakka" in Shigaraki high school.
3年間の授業の流れ  Classwork throughout 3 years
  1. 1年次生 全員がセラミックやデザインの授業も含む共通の科目を学びます。1年次の段階で自分がどの系列に向いているか考え、選択・決定します。
  2. ・The first year : All students learn a common department, including ceramic art and design classes. Students consider which course suits them, and choose their own course through this year.
  3. 2年次生 全員が共通して受ける授業と、系列ごとに分かれて受ける授業があります。 系列ごとの専門的な学習を深めていきます。
  4. ・The second year: There are classes that every student acquires, and classes that are divided into their own course.
      We will deepen specialized learning of each course
  5. 3年次生 系列ごとの専門分野をより深く学ぶと同時に、進路希望に応じた様々な選択科目によって一人ひとりの進路実現を目指します。
  6. ・The third year: As learning more deeply about specialized field of each course, we also aim to realize each student's
      career path by various optional subjects according to their career path.



In Ceramic Art course, we learn ceramic art, from basic skills to advanced skills. We also learn about" three-dimentional art". We study in small groups.


セラミック系列の授業展開 (what to do in Ceramic Art course)
 In the first year, all students learn common classes including basic ceramic art and design art. Through learning various class and activity, students select their own courses through next year.
 In the second year, students learn basic ceramic art and design, such as hand-forming, throwing, slab building, and painting.
 In the third year, after their experience in second year, each student selects either course (hand-forming, throwing, slab building, or three-dimensional art) in their interest and their way, and step up their technique and knowledge.



We value basic foundation of design and encourage the development of imagination. We provide detailed guidance that values individual ideas and abilities. We aim to realize a career path to a wide range of fields of art, from design to art.


デザイン系列の授業展開 (what to do in Design course)
 In the first year, all students learn common classes including basic ceramic art and design art. Through learning various class and activity, students select their own courses through next year.
 In the second year, starting with the basics of colors and shapes, students learn drawing, drafting, and lettering, and experience a wide range of the way of expressions. We also learn a history of design.
 In the third year, among their experience in second year, each students select course (either two-dimensional art form, or three-dimensional art form) and study in higher level. They can choose different way according to their career path, either to go to art school or to get a job.


We provide a clear understandable class, with small-group lesson, and team teaching with plural teachers. We develop classes that emphasize language activities by taking more Japanese and English classes. Students acquire the ability to think. make judgements, and express themselves, thoroughly provide individual guidance, and realize their desire to go on to university.


普通系列の授業展開(what to do in Academic course)
 In the first year, all students learn common classes including basic ceramic art and design art. Through learning various class and activity, students select their own courses through next year.
 In the second year, there are more Japanese and English classes.
 In the third year, you can choose classes according to your career path after graduation. In addition, by receiving supplementary lessons (one by one) after school, which leads to the development of academic ability.